Monday, September 27, 2010
Hurriyet Daily News

Japan Within, Lions and More

On September 28th, 2010 there will be a concert in İstanbul at Aya İrini Museum. As some of you might know already 2010 was declared to be “The Year of Japan in Turkey.” There are many activities around the country. There are exhibitions and concerts in different parts of the country. For example Fethiye Lions Club, which I am a member of, organised a celebration together with The Day of Press celebrations on July 21st to introduce a few aspects of Japanese culture such as The Tea Ceremony and Japanese Caligraphy. On August 18th, we also started a Japanese Course that will continue until April 2011.
Where did it all start? Well, the official reasons are explained in the website the Turkish and Japanese Governments had set up for this year. An Ottoman ship Ertuğrul , known as Ertuğrul Fırkateyni in Turkey, sank near the island of Ooshima about 120 years ago. Close to 600 sailors died, and only 69 sailors could survive. They were saved by villagers living in the island. And later on after they have treated and taken care of in Japan, they were sent home with Japanese ships and funds for the survivors. This was the beginning of a deep connection between Turkey and Japan.
My personal connection started with other coincidences which I will not go into the details now. I met very lovely people, great teachers and had the chance to visit different places in Japan in the last three four years. Yet, my path in Japan finally led me to Ooshima as well. Thanks to a Lions Club Member in Japan. I met Mr. Seiji Mukaiyama through many interesting coincidences. I keep using the term coincidence, but I strongly believe that there are no coincidences. I met him first when he was visiting Turkey in March 2010. He was here to attend some meetings about the concerts he would be giving this September. This successful Lions who is the general manager of a gas company has composed music after he heard about and read about the story of Ertuğrul Firkateyni.
When I went to Japan again this last May, Mr. Mukaiyama took me to Ooshima Island to where the Ertuğrul Ship sank. He took me to the temple that the surviving sailors were taken and stayed. He took me to the Turkish Museum and the special Memorial where the sailors who had lost their lives are also buried. Mr. Mukaiyama even took me to the Municipality of Kushimoto where he introduced me to the Mayor of Kushimoto Mr.Katsumasa Tashima.
Mr. Mukaiyama gave two concerts in Japan this year. On July 14th in Osaka with Kansai and on July 28th in Tokyo with Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra. In September he will give four concerts in Turkey. He is the composer of the symphonic pieces and he is also the conductor of the orchestras. One of these concerts will be Lions Clubs Japanese Turkish Friendship Concert on September 28th in Aya İrini in İstanbul.
I am still surprised at the different coincidences that brought us together, coincidences that brought him to Turkey, that took me to Japan.
I feel very connected to Japan, as if a part of my soul belongs there and does not want to come back. Therefore, I need to go there to unite with it. And I am amazed that there are people on distant parts of this planet who feel that strongly about my country as well.
Japan created a different hope within me, about the power of love and care. The Japan within me keeps me motivated to serve, to do whatever I can, however I can to help others. The Japan within reminds me that distances do not matter. What matters is the call of our hearts.
Thank you very much Mr. Mukaiyama.
Thank you very much Lions Clubs for bringing people from different parts of the world who want to make a difference, to want to serve together. To motto of Lions Clubs all around the world is “We Serve.”
Well, I want to mention one more thing. Last week our Fethiye Lions Club had guests from England. MD105 Past District Governor Lion Wim Hoogerwerf and his wife Lion Pauline Hoogerwerf from Marston Green Lions Club, and Past Term Club Presidents Lion Mavis Crowley and Lion John Crowley from Exeter West Lions Club were with us. They all had amazing stories about how Lions Club Members serve around the world. PDG Wim Hoogerwerf shared their North Sea Lions projects where each year they work on different parts of the world. North Sea Lions is a group formed by Lions from the UK, Germany, Holland and Denmark. Mrs. Pauline Hoogerwerf shared about her project where they opened 10 water wells in Republic of Niger where draught and famines affect the country. Through these wells now 25,000 people have access to clean water supplies. Two thirds of Niger is covered with deserts. They built the wells while the country was going through many military and civil unrests. Mrs. Mavis Crowley from Exeter West Lions Club shared how they collect hearing aids in the UK and send it to South Africa with collaboration with Lions Clubs Members there. Thousands of hearing aids have been sent.
Japan, Turkey, Republic of Niger, England, Germany, Denmark, Holland, South Africa... Different lands, different cultures, different languages ... Yet, we are all connected. I feel we need to be aware that we are all connected. That could be the key.
I hope and pray that as people of the world connect, peace love and prosperity will prevail.
With lots of love,