Wednesday, October 2, 2024


Once in a while we will see an old couple walk hand in hand will a calm and sweet demeanor that feels as if time has stopped or was they are forever flowing or they shine with a different brightness regardless of their age, something different that we become aware of them, even when they are just walking slowly in front of us. 

At those magical times, we are probably witnessing something extra special.  

A time of witnessing two parts of a soul meeting as a couple in this lifetime.  

Though some of us may have experienced that in the pages of our past, some of us still are to discover that special feeling of belonging and love.

May life give us many joyful chances to discover happiness and love. 

Where Do You Think You Most Belong?

 This morning I came across an interesting quesiton in an online class that I was following.

The question was:   Where do you think you most belong?

As I was trying to grasp the meaning of the question, I realized that the answer to this question has changed over the years. Maybe as it should.  

However,  the difference or range of all of the places, groups and ideas that I thought I belonged to really changed over the years. As I grew and as I changed. In a way.   

At times I was surprised to find myself in a group of engineers, at times with a meditation group in England or a group in Japan. And many more. They all seemed to point out the path that I have walked along the way and although they were different, I came to acknowledge that all of them define a part of me, all of them were about the things that I wanted to 'touch'.

The journey of discovering ourselves continues every day. With ups and downs.  With new awakenings, with unconscious knowledge becoming conscious, with simplified desires, as well as more defined preferences. With more detailed expectations and with letting go of expectations. With gratitude, as well as regrets.  All seems to make up what we call the ever changing living.


My journey with this question of belonging will probably continue as well.


It all adds up to 1,

Our joys and sorrows,

You smile as you cry,

I give thanks as I secretly rebel to what is.

The Life in the Cloud

The fat, white cloud appearing behind the old olive trees,

You know me,

We have met before,

In the waves of the Mediterranean sea

we have embraced many a times,

with joy and fear,

In the air that I breathe,

In the dampness that I wipe off,

the jasmine that I love to smell,

the salamender hiding in the corners,

the coffee, the cake, the icecube in the rosé wine,

The water flowing in my body

feels the freedom of the sky.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Looking For A New Chapter

It surely does become more difficult to write with years. 

Because I become more and more aware of the ripple effects of each and every word.  

Good intentions are important, yet more insufficient than I would have hoped for.  

Still, as I am always very grateful for all the words, feelings and thoughts that have reached me, moved me, changed me, that made me question, challenge, trust, hope and surrender, I would like to share their resonance in me and how life seems from that perspective that currently lives as me. 

Maybe, just maybe, as it is for me, someone might also need to, or would like to, hear that which I may channel through.  

And maybe, that is the reason there is hopefully still some room for some new words to be told on this world of ours.

May what I have shared over the years, and from now on, be gentle on my and your soul.