I met Ken Blanchard when I was at Cornell University in the US. I took his “One-Minute-Manager” course when his book by the same name was really hot on the best-sellers list. I believe that was in 1992. Since then more than 18 million copies of this book has been sold. Ken Blanchard had many other books out since then, and many of them have been translated to Turkish.
Recently I have been reading one of his books that have been out in Turkish last October. “Leading At a Higher Level” is the title. Since I do life coaching and consulting, I read and follow the new books and methods by various teachers and consultants around the world. Tom Peters is also one of my idols. His books changed the way I thought when I was in college. Being an engineer and operations research specialist, his approach to production and business seemed so different, I believe to the whole world as well as me.
I am not going to write about business or management techniques today. Maybe I will in the coming weeks. Through mentioning these teachers, I would like to say that a few days spent with a good teacher in 1992 still continues to create a positive influence in my life, 16 years later. Ken Blanchard is not the only one. I cannot forget the day I met Steve Jobs. That was in 1989. I was a freshman in engineering and the Macintosh seemed even more amazing in those pre-Windows years. Steve Jobs was cool, ultra smart and so casual. As I kept on meeting these knowledgeable, hard working and smart and accomplished people through life, I believe my expectations from life and from myself radically changed. I lived what we call the importance of role models. My father and my mother were great mode models; however having met some of the teachers that I did made a big difference.
I like going to the theatre. There is something beautiful and strong in being in the same atmosphere with talented artists. I love going to concerts. For the last couple of years Istanbul has been welcoming great performers around the world. I hope that one day we will be able to watch them in Fethiye as well. There is a different magic in watching excellence performed. This alone teaches more than we can image. Seeing a living example of someone of doing something has effects beyond most understanding. We can teach a kid or an adult that something is possible and even teach them the techniques of mastery. Even though they may learn it all perfectly, unless and until they believe that they can do it, it will not happen. That is what role models are especially for – to show that it is indeed possible. Efforts of years may then give fruit in a second...
Messages of the Week from Susan Jeffers:
+ Awareness let’s you know it’s time for action:
Once you are aware of the Chatterbox, at last you can do something about it (even if it is driving you crazy!). When you are unaware of this mischievous little voice, you are at its mercy.
+ The paradox of genuine giving:
When we give genuinely, with thought only for others, we often find that more comes back to us that we could ever have imagined.
+ Giving diminished fear:
When you focus on giving, you lose your neediness and you fell “full-filled”. As you give, your sense of power and love gets greater and greater and greater.
+ Give away praise:
Often the people we find most difficult to praise are those closest to us. Yet praise is a wonderful way of releasing anger and resentment. Praise can take down the barriers to love and connection.
+ Are you a complainer?
Complaining is a very common activity of everyone’s Lower Self. Complaining is also a big clue that you are not taking responsibility for your experience of life.
+ Positive affirmations: a wonderful tool.
An affirmation is a strong, positive statement telling you that ‘all is well’. With constant repetition, affirmations help you drown out the negative messages of the Chatterbox. Confidence restored!
I wish you love, luck and confidence...
Angel of the Week: Openness
Affirmation of the Week:
“Everything is how it needs to be right now. I look past the illusion, and see the underlying order.”
By Doreen Virtue
Quote of the Week:
“May you live in interesting times.”
Chinese saying
Zeynep’s Book Recommendation of the Week:“Leading At A Higher Level” By Ken Blanchard
This book is available in Turkish under the title: “Liderlikte Çıtayı Yükseltmek”.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
A Magical Word: Empowerment
Empowerment is a word that I like a lot. I have been writing a lot about empowerment lately. As long as the urge is there, I trust that there is a reason for it.
I believe empowerment to be like a mission in my life – empowering myself and others. That is what my father taught me in the years that we worked together. He taught me to share the knowledge and to share the accomplishments. He was a wonderful teacher.
There is a very good by titled “Empowerment” by John Randolph Price. There is another book by him called “The Angels within Us” that I also love. His approach is always reminding us of our infinite potential.
Do we empower our family, our children, our employees? Or do we go on to create dependent beings with low self confidence and motivation? Do we serve our ego or a higher purpose?
There was a conference in Fethiye a couple months ago by the famous child psychiatrist Prof. Yankı Yazgan. He is a professor at the Medical School in Marmara University in Istanbul and he is also the author of about 10 books on brain development and child and adolescent development. He also writes for the national Akşam Newspaper weekly.
I had met him a couple years ago in a training and we were among the 12-13 people who were to watch the test run of a new program. We had spent about 2 days together and had invited him to give a conference in Fethiye. He accepted. Although it took over a year for it to actualize, he did keep his promise and gave a two hour conference to parents and teachers on April 24th, 2008. The title of the conference was: “Being a Parent and an Educator in the Times of Change”.
Of all the things that Prof. Yazgan said, what I stood out for the most was - the importance of letting a child experience and learn through experience.
We are not here to do for them; we are here to allow them and create the space for them to learn and accomplish for themselves. No matter how we describe it , or which words we use – the real word is Empowerment.
Michell Cassou says “We live in a time in which most people believe there is not much inside them, only what teachers, parents, and others have out there.” They are all here to uncover the potentials that are waiting to be expressed and used.
Empowerment, for whom?
Empowerment is a key word for me. I had the chance to work with teachers who believed in empowerment. I was told to aid people who wanted to discover their true self and true path. My teachers told me to be aware that I can only share possibilities and options, and I can encourage if they want to be encouraged. I can support, if there is anyone who wants to be supported. I may answer if I am asked. However, I was also told that I should be wise enough to discover that I am no wiser than anyone I know. Empowerment was the key word I was lucky enough to learn through experience. I was empowered and learned to accept that it is the only way.
Now, I cannot be one of those who know it all, even if I do know some. I cannot be one of those of who preach a lot, I can only share.
In my early years when I would see a healer or teacher who would go on to share how wonderful or great he or she was, I would go back to my own teachers and ask why they did not do the same since they knew a lot too, and why was I not to share openly what I knew. I wanted to show that I knew too. Almost in union they would reply “Be yourself, then they will know.”
I need to keep in mind that I do not heal anyone. I can only show the options.
Maybe I can do first aid and clean up the wounds. But where did the wounds came from? Why are they there? And who wants them there and for what?
And you know what, I may have the answers to all of these questions, but again this is not what matters. It is not important that I discover the answers.
It is important that I am able to create the desire in a person to want to discover their own answers.
And once the desire is there, they will find their answers - no matter what. At that point, I may be a part of their journey in discovering better ways to find out and deal with what they discover. If they want it; if they choose it; if they accept it.
This is not how I had thought how healing would work, but this is where I am right now.
I thank my teachers and masters of all different traditions and cultures. You give me hope and taught me to trust what is in our core.
I did say a lot today.
Where did it come from?
Hopefully from my heart.
One final quote from Louise Hay:
“Ask for help. Tell Life what you want, and allow it to happen.”
With love and light...
Affirmation of the Week:
“I am well structured and balanced.”
Louise L. Hay
Quote of the Week:
“Life is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be lived.”
Thomas Merton
Suggested Reading:
“The Life You Were Born To Live” By Dan Millman
The Turkish translation of the book may be found under the name “Hayatınızın Amacı”.
Imagine Being Lucky

Courage to Walk the Talk
My friends, people who consult me and those of you who have been reading my articles over the years know that I really like Louise Hay and her work. She has changed the world through her courage to look at and live life totally differently. She also has the courage to walk the talk.
“You Can Heal Your Life”, “The Power is Within You”, especially “Heal Your Body” are amazing books. Louise Hay was one of the pioneers in acknowledging the power our thoughts and words have on our well being. Don Miguel Ruiz does it with his book “The Four Agreements”. Norman Vincent Peale and Napoleon Hill did it with their books. They were the pioneers. “The Secret” came much later.
Can You Imagine?
Even though I teach or write about the importance and the power of our words, I sometimes find it hard to give up complaining completely. If I am too tired, or sleepless or in too much hurry, once in a while I catch myself complaining. If I am, or you are complaining, that means that something in our system is not in balance, especially energetically
I have learned a few lessons over the years. When do I catch myself complaining (even if it is to myself), I know that I am tired, that my energy level is low, that I have in touch with people and events that have charged my energy field with other vibrations. Or that I slipped into negative thinking and unsupportive thoughts. Therefore I am not taking the responsibility for my decisions, actions and conditions.
Then, usually I immediately take a shower. If it is in the evening, I go to bed early. If it is during the day and I am not able to shower, I wash my hands and keep them under running water for a while. I also visualize my whole body and energy field cleansed with the help of the water. I close my eyes and release all energies and influences that do not belong to me, but I have accumulated.
When our energy level is low, we cannot carry the load. And one thing we also lose sight of is that we have energy to carry the load of that day on any given day. We cannot carry yesterday or tomorrow if the energy of today.
Many master and teachers of energy techniques clearly note that we are given our energy day by day, and only for the coming 24 hours. This was one of the first lessons I learned from my bio-energy teacher Moshe Abudaram. That is one of the reasons worrying about the future will not help us out. If the energy we are given includes energy to plan and program for tomorrow, then we will. However, it may also not. That is why I believe that sometimes we just have to let go. Let go of expectations, worry, anger or restlessness. Can you image yourself letting go?
Letting go of unnecessary expectations?
Letting go of loads and duties that were not yours to start with?
Can you image being lifted and carried to where you want without strain?
Without too much effort?
Can you image being lucky?
Being totally taken care of?
Being totally and unconditionally loved?
Can you image … what is it that you truly desire?
Words Make A Difference
The words that we utter make a difference. They do. So this week I would like to offer you some phrases to incorporate into your speech, your writing, your life. And see how the outer picture of your life responds.
+ I love being me.
+ It’s only a thought and a thought can be changed.
+ All my changes are easy to make.
+ I deserve good in my life.
+ I deserve joy.
+ I follow the path of right action.
+ Everything I need comes to me in the perfect time and space sequence.
+ I express my true being.
+ I can do what I want.
+ Every hand that touches me is a healing hand.
+ I have unlimited potential.
+ I am good enough.
+ I am now willing to see only my magnificence.
Maybe, maybe everything we need is in the words.
So let us let it be….
With love and light. May your power always shine with truth and honesty.
Angel of the Week: Truth
Affirmation of the Week:
“Everything I need comes to me in the perfect time and space sequence.”
Louise L. Hay
Quote of the Week:
“Everywhere I go, I find a poet has been there before me.”
Sigmund Freud
Zeynep’s Book Recommendation of the Week:
“Welcome Home” By Steve Rother & the Group
This book is available in Turkish under the title: “Yuvaya Hoşgeldiniz”.
Feng-Shui of Love
I have been interested in Feng-Shui since the year 2000. I met some experts who knew what they were talking about, and some were just reciting what they gathered. Yet, when I started applying some of the principles I learned in 2000 in my home, my own true life path started opening up.
I teach and use energy methods. We are all made up of energy, us and the whole universe. And when we are aware of this fact and use this awareness to understand the dynamics of our lives, our paths unravel just naturally.
Feng-Shui principles are used to improve the flow of energy in our physical environments, our homes, offices, apartment buildings, gardens, road paths, ponds, etc. As the energy flow and quality of energy improves in these spaces, so does the quality of our lives. I have seen it happen and that is why I would like to suggest you to be aware of it as well. Your life might change, for the better.
Feng-Shui is not only about spaces. The power of the mind, positive thinking and increasing your personal energy level is an important aspect as well. We are an important part of our environment.
From Feng-Shui expert Lillian Too:
“Music will change the vibrations that surround you. Happy songs lift the spirits like nothing can! Control your moods with music. Make it happy music. In fact it is an excellent idea to make it a rule never to listen to melancholic music. And if you enjoy love songs go for those with a happy ending. Singing the blues is like chanting a negative mantra.”
How about giving uplifting music a try for a week? Who knows what ripple effects this may bring?
Story of Soul Mates
I do not write about soulmates a lot. A lot of people ask me to, however, when the desire to know comes from our ego, we do not benefit much from the information. The intention behind the desire to learn is very important.
Yet, once a year, when a special time comes, I do write about soulmate energy. Around this time of the year, if I feel the need, I share what seems appropriate.
Richard Bach’s “Bridge Across Forever” and Dr. Brian Weiss’s “Only Love Is Real” are two books you can also find in Turkish on the theme of soulmates. Being aware that there is an energy with exactly the same quality as ours with the opposite polarity creates an awareness for the dynamics of living on this earth and life.
For centuries, in literature there are hundreds of famous love stories of probable soulmates. Well, in the teachings of bioenergy, the same concept also exits.
According to Kabbalists, in August, in the month of Av, there is an opportunity to connect with our soulmate energy. And on a special day which can be determined by the moon calendar, it is easiest to make that connection. It is believed to be the day when we are able to connect with the other half of our soul, our unique half, which it is believed of which we got separated at creation.
This year it is the 16th of August in 2008. It is from sunset of August 15th until sunset on August 16th. To set the intention that you are open to unite with your soulmate, energetically and physical if your soulmate is alive.
Most people assume that their soulmate would be of the appropriate gender of their dream partner, or around their age or eligible for a relationship. None of this may be true. You might be a young graduate from college and your soulmate might be the elderly lady who owns a shop in the town you visited for business. You might be living in Inverness in Scotland, and yes your soulmate might be living in a small village in Fethiye. And as likely, you might be born and your soulmate energy might not have.
Are these all for real? There is no way to know for sure. These are what I find to be true from my studies, my personal sessions with various teachers and clients around the world. When these experiences seem to match and also ring true in my heart, I go with that information. As I am studying the topic of soulmates more over the years, I am becoming aware of the knowledge passed on by the ancient traditions.
What to do on that day?
Be your true self. Connecting with the energy of our soul mate does not necessarily mean finding or meeting a new or better partner. It could mean that. However, it also means connecting with an energy that will make us feel complete, content, happy and healthy. This union does not necessarily have to happen on the physical plane. It could, but doesn’t have to.
Will you get to meet your soulmate? Well, maybe you already did. And maybe you will never get the meet him or her in person. However, if you are open to that energy, and you intend to connect on a continuous basis with no strings attached, both you and that person-that energy will feel complete and in union with life, with the world, with the universe.
To Regress
I do astrological & numerology analysis for my clients. People do benefit a lot from learning about the main energies and influences that they are under during their lives and during various parts of their lives. I also do regressions especially through Inverse Wave Therapy if need arises. I do not choose to do regressions for people who just want to wonder around in their past. Maybe the past is available for us to look, yet we are born in a body in this lifetime on this earth. That is what we chose and we are here. I am for improving the quality of our lives here. However, in case of illnesses of various sorts, regressions create a lot of relief and cure.
A Key, for Life:
Doing what is difficult for us to do.
This gets us out of the box.
For some this might mean keeping quiet, and for some this means talking in front of crowds. This may mean starting singing or simply stopping. Anything and everything you can think of. Doing what is beyond our safe limits brings growth and expansion. Do it. Try it. I do it and I love it. Not to repeat what Mark Twain said, I definitely regretted the things that I have done much less that what I haven’t.
May your lives always be joyful and in union… and filled with wonderful adventures…
With lots of love,
Angel of the Week: Harmony
Affirmation of the Week:
“It is important not only to bring about my own transformation but also to assist others.”
From The Kabbalah Centre
Quote of the Week:
“Art doesn’t transform. It just plain forms.”
Roy Lichtenstein
Zeynep’s Book Recommendation of the Week:
“Indigo Child-The New Kids Have Arrived” By Lee Carroll & Jan Tober
This book is available in Turkish under the title: “İndigo Çocuklar – Yeni Çocuklar Geldiler!”.
I have been interested in Feng-Shui since the year 2000. I met some experts who knew what they were talking about, and some were just reciting what they gathered. Yet, when I started applying some of the principles I learned in 2000 in my home, my own true life path started opening up.
I teach and use energy methods. We are all made up of energy, us and the whole universe. And when we are aware of this fact and use this awareness to understand the dynamics of our lives, our paths unravel just naturally.
Feng-Shui principles are used to improve the flow of energy in our physical environments, our homes, offices, apartment buildings, gardens, road paths, ponds, etc. As the energy flow and quality of energy improves in these spaces, so does the quality of our lives. I have seen it happen and that is why I would like to suggest you to be aware of it as well. Your life might change, for the better.
Feng-Shui is not only about spaces. The power of the mind, positive thinking and increasing your personal energy level is an important aspect as well. We are an important part of our environment.
From Feng-Shui expert Lillian Too:
“Music will change the vibrations that surround you. Happy songs lift the spirits like nothing can! Control your moods with music. Make it happy music. In fact it is an excellent idea to make it a rule never to listen to melancholic music. And if you enjoy love songs go for those with a happy ending. Singing the blues is like chanting a negative mantra.”
How about giving uplifting music a try for a week? Who knows what ripple effects this may bring?
Story of Soul Mates
I do not write about soulmates a lot. A lot of people ask me to, however, when the desire to know comes from our ego, we do not benefit much from the information. The intention behind the desire to learn is very important.
Yet, once a year, when a special time comes, I do write about soulmate energy. Around this time of the year, if I feel the need, I share what seems appropriate.
Richard Bach’s “Bridge Across Forever” and Dr. Brian Weiss’s “Only Love Is Real” are two books you can also find in Turkish on the theme of soulmates. Being aware that there is an energy with exactly the same quality as ours with the opposite polarity creates an awareness for the dynamics of living on this earth and life.
For centuries, in literature there are hundreds of famous love stories of probable soulmates. Well, in the teachings of bioenergy, the same concept also exits.
According to Kabbalists, in August, in the month of Av, there is an opportunity to connect with our soulmate energy. And on a special day which can be determined by the moon calendar, it is easiest to make that connection. It is believed to be the day when we are able to connect with the other half of our soul, our unique half, which it is believed of which we got separated at creation.
This year it is the 16th of August in 2008. It is from sunset of August 15th until sunset on August 16th. To set the intention that you are open to unite with your soulmate, energetically and physical if your soulmate is alive.
Most people assume that their soulmate would be of the appropriate gender of their dream partner, or around their age or eligible for a relationship. None of this may be true. You might be a young graduate from college and your soulmate might be the elderly lady who owns a shop in the town you visited for business. You might be living in Inverness in Scotland, and yes your soulmate might be living in a small village in Fethiye. And as likely, you might be born and your soulmate energy might not have.
Are these all for real? There is no way to know for sure. These are what I find to be true from my studies, my personal sessions with various teachers and clients around the world. When these experiences seem to match and also ring true in my heart, I go with that information. As I am studying the topic of soulmates more over the years, I am becoming aware of the knowledge passed on by the ancient traditions.
What to do on that day?
Be your true self. Connecting with the energy of our soul mate does not necessarily mean finding or meeting a new or better partner. It could mean that. However, it also means connecting with an energy that will make us feel complete, content, happy and healthy. This union does not necessarily have to happen on the physical plane. It could, but doesn’t have to.
Will you get to meet your soulmate? Well, maybe you already did. And maybe you will never get the meet him or her in person. However, if you are open to that energy, and you intend to connect on a continuous basis with no strings attached, both you and that person-that energy will feel complete and in union with life, with the world, with the universe.
To Regress
I do astrological & numerology analysis for my clients. People do benefit a lot from learning about the main energies and influences that they are under during their lives and during various parts of their lives. I also do regressions especially through Inverse Wave Therapy if need arises. I do not choose to do regressions for people who just want to wonder around in their past. Maybe the past is available for us to look, yet we are born in a body in this lifetime on this earth. That is what we chose and we are here. I am for improving the quality of our lives here. However, in case of illnesses of various sorts, regressions create a lot of relief and cure.
A Key, for Life:
Doing what is difficult for us to do.
This gets us out of the box.
For some this might mean keeping quiet, and for some this means talking in front of crowds. This may mean starting singing or simply stopping. Anything and everything you can think of. Doing what is beyond our safe limits brings growth and expansion. Do it. Try it. I do it and I love it. Not to repeat what Mark Twain said, I definitely regretted the things that I have done much less that what I haven’t.
May your lives always be joyful and in union… and filled with wonderful adventures…
With lots of love,
Angel of the Week: Harmony
Affirmation of the Week:
“It is important not only to bring about my own transformation but also to assist others.”
From The Kabbalah Centre
Quote of the Week:
“Art doesn’t transform. It just plain forms.”
Roy Lichtenstein
Zeynep’s Book Recommendation of the Week:
“Indigo Child-The New Kids Have Arrived” By Lee Carroll & Jan Tober
This book is available in Turkish under the title: “İndigo Çocuklar – Yeni Çocuklar Geldiler!”.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Childhood Dreams

Some of you might have heard of Professor Randy Pausch’s story and his last lecture at Carnegie Mellon University last September. Randy Pausch passed away on July 25th, 2008, but the ripple effects of his lecture, his book “The Last Lecture”, his story will most probably continue to touch many lives.
I am not here to tell about his life, just how he used these circumstances to create a more positive outcome for others and especially for his kids. I am moved by this courageous man.
Randy Pausch, when he learned that he had pancreatic cancer gave a final speech at the university he was working in, Carnegie Mellon University in the US. And he also wrote a book with the aid of Jeffrey Zaslow and managed to complete and publish it before he passed away. His book became a best seller and it has been available in Turkish for about a few months.
One of my teachers, Moshe Abudaram had shown me the record of the lecture at Carnegie Mellon months ago. The title of his lecture was “Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams“. Then I watched him on the Oprah Show when he gave an abridged version of his speech. He used the time he had to share and to tell what was closest to his heart. And he made a difference.
…Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams…
Are we aware that once we really did have dreams?
Do we remember how it felt to be a kid?
How would it feel to be like a kid?
Do we allow ourselves to dream?
What do we allow ourselves to think of?
To imagine?
To want?
When I was a kid, there were a few things that I really wanted. I wanted to write and I wanted to dance. I have been writing since I was 13 or 14. I used to write for our Turkish and English newspapers and magazines when I was in high school. I wrote a lot of poems over the years. And since 2006 I have been writing for a couple of national magazines in Turkey, and of course for the Land of Lights newspaper for the last few years.
I just love writing. Today is a wonderful sunny summer Sunday in Istanbul. As I am writing today, I look out the window and it is wonderful to watch the sea, shining, and the boats that are going up and down the Bosphorous. Yet, I choose to stay, to stay inside and to write. To share what really excites me and what I believe will make or can make your life better.
What really makes me stay inside and on my own in front of the computer?
As for dancing, I never got the chance to learn or even to find much the time to dance. As a kid I remember that I would put a tape that I loved and dance. I would look for times when there was no one home, so that I could do this more freely. When I was at Cornell University, I remember that Friday and Saturday nights, there would be parties and there would be real dancing. I remember that we would dance till the early hours of the morning. It was such a wonderful feeling.
The last such experience I had was in a training called “The Butterfly Effect.” Our trainers Adi, Adir and Yair had created a wonderful atmosphere where all participants had free space to express their feeling with their bodies in the form of a dance. The music kept changing, and so did the dances. There was such joy, freedom and happiness that we all felt and shared.
Since then when I feel like it, I put on a CD that I like, or I turn the radio to a station that I like and I dance. And I each time I feel born anew…
This is one of the weeks that I believe less is more, and I would like to request one thing from you:
To remember your childhood dreams and to see what you can do to get a taste of what you really wanted then.
Could you give it a try?
Wish you lots of love and luck.
Angel of the Week: Power
Affirmation of the Week:“Our soul gives us power to accomplish more that we can imagine.”
From The Kabbalah Centre
Quote of the Week:“I welcome all creatures of the world with grace.”
Hildegard of Bingen
Zeynep’s Book Recommendation of the Week:
“The Last Lecture” by Randy Pausch
This book is available in Turkish under the title: “Son Konuşma”.
To Have a Story to Tell
I chose an angel card for myself today and the card that came out was “Play”. I find myself with than quality that we call childlike many times. We indeed do forget to play – yes even during a vacation. When did we forget to play? And how?
I have been playing and watch others playing a different kind of game – The Transformation Game lately. This game is an amazing tool to discover how we act, how we behave and respond to life. I fell in love with this game as a player and then wanted to learn how to facilitate it. That is how my trip to Findhorn got started.
I have been hearing of the Findhorn Foundation and Community in the last couple of years. I have been hearing about it with respect to Spirituality and Ecological Living and Ecological Footprints. I have been attending workshops on Sustainability and we also organized seminars to high school kids in Fethiye on Ecological Foot Prints. However, I learned about the Transformation Game, which was developed in Findhorn, for the first time last year in October. A few months later, the Turkish translation of the game was available in bookstores around the country under the name “Donusum Oyunu.”
Personal development and healing are topics very dear to my heart. I am a life coach and I am aware that we all have our unique ways of learning and digesting information. Some of us like to read, some of us would like to hear the words from a teacher. Some learn better under pressure. And some of us do learn while playing. The Transformation Game is an excellent tool to learn, about ourselves, while playing.
What would you consider “playing”?
Do you play in life?
Did you play today?
I have an art studio in Istanbul. For me painting is playing. I lose track of space and time when I paint and I love that feeling. I get a similar feeling when I am reading. The other day I was trying to figure out how and when I started to like reading. I couldn’t. Maybe I should ask my Mom. But I do. I do love reading.
There is a famous Turkish author who had passed away in 1950s, Sait Faik. He surely is one of my heroes. And I discovered him when I was 13, when I saw my British math teacher reading Sait Faik in Turkish, a book called “Semaver Sarnıç”. First of all, in class he never gave us a clue that he knew Turkish and, now he was reading a book in Turkish. I was to discover this wonderful and very famous story teller in the most unusual way. One of the first things I did after started to live in Fethiye was to order a complete sets of Sait Faik’s books for my library here.
Do you ever get that feeling, the feeling of wanting to read a story again, a section of a book again, and to feel a restlessness that is hard to explain when you cannot seem to find it? I feel like that quite a lot. For that reason, I have a library in all my homes and my offices for the books that I love. And yes I do have various copies of the same books, maybe not of all, but of quite a lot of them. Why do I need to have their presence? Maybe it is to be closer with the energy of the words or of the energy of the authors. I realize that in some of my libraries I have more books on certain topics or more books of certain authors. And they are not related with the location of the library. Makes me wonder about the energy interactions we usually do not think about, but that exit.
Ah, one final note. In Sait Faik’s biography it is written: “Since Sait Faik considered writing his work, he decided to do nothing else.” Quite courageous for the 1930s in Turkey and I am so thankful and grateful to him for just doing that...
I send you lots of love and may the books that will touch your heart appear on your journey.
Angel of the Week: Patience
Affirmation of the Week:“My creative powers of imagination and my connection to all-encompassing consciousness show me the way to realize my ideas.”
Gerd Ziegler
Quote of the Week:
“Energy moves in waves. Waves move in patterns. Patterns move in rhythms. The rhythms gave me a way to map the movements of my own psyches as well as the ever-changing state of the universe.”
Gabrielle Roth
Zeynep’s Book Recommendation of the Week:
This week I have different book recommendations in English and Turkish.
In English: “Six Degrees, Our Future on a Hotter Planet” by Mark Lynas
In Turkish: “Semaver Sarnıç” by Sait Faik, with my deepest respect to the memory of this great Turkish story teller. He is one the reasons that I am writing today. May he rest in peace.
What Would Love Do Now?
I have been away from Fethiye almost since December. I came for a few days on and off, but I really missed it and missed my friends here. Still, I have a lot of catching up to do. By the way, currently I am back in Istanbul for a project on Life Coaching. Actually, I came back to Istanbul today with a morning flight. I flew with Pegasus Airlines for the first time. And also I used the Sabiha Gökçen Airport in Istanbul for the first time as well. I am amazed to see that London now has four airports, and having a second one was definitely needed in Istanbul. However, I have a feeling this second airport will turn out to be too small for the city’s growing needs for air travel.
Well, back to Fethiye. I was talking with some friends about my trip to Japan this year in May. That trip has been like a Tibetian bowl in my life. I can still feel its influence, its vibration in my life. I am also trying to understand why I feel this connected to this country…
What makes us connected to a place?
What makes us feel close to, to like, to love a place, a country, a person?
It is about culture, language, or appearances?
Is it about being similar or different?
What are the underlying factors?
What are the reasons, if any?
Fethiye is a place that I am really drawn to. There are other cities and towns that I have been to tens of times and I do not feel a similar connection with those places.
I also feel a very close connection with Japan, more than many of the countries that I have been to so many times.
Well, there are different answers:
My bio-energy teacher Moshe Abudaram says that sometimes the land, the energy of the physical land may call a person, to complete what is taking place there. Maybe that is why although distant healing works beautifully in many cases, sometimes healer needs to be physically close to the person in need of the healing.
What does this really mean
This can mean several things. First of all, those of you who might have read “The Celestine Prophecy” by James Redfield know that energies of groups of people come together at certain times at certain places to create a higher energy field. A person’s presence might be needed for the formation of such a circle. A circle of two or many. Second, either the person might need the energy of the land or the land might need the energy of that person. And this could be needed for many different reasons.
Of course, there is also the topic of previous life times. One of my friends is going to the US to attend a workshop by the famous psychiatrist Brian Weiss. I also wanted to go; yet I have been travelling so much in the last few months that I felt I needed stay this time. Brian Weiss is a must read for those who are interested in regressions and hypnotherapy.
There is a lot more happening energetically than we seem to be aware of. Also, to be aware of the energy exchanges that take place between people everyday have a look at James Redfield’s books. Also, the movie of the book “The Celestine Prophecy” is out, by the same name. I really do recommend watching it.
Neale Donald Walsch in his book “Conversations with God” writes:
“Do what you love to do and nothing else. Make a life. Otherwise that is a dying.”
And there is also a powerful question that he uses and that I also use when things get difficult. And with that question I would like to leave you this week.
The question is: “What would love do now?”
I wish all of you the best.
With love,
Angel of the Week: Intention
Affirmation of the Week:
“As I become the right person, I find the right person.”
From The Kabbalah Centre
Quote of the Week:
“It is necessary to write, if the days are not to slip emptily by.”
Vita Sackville-West
Zeynep’s Book Recommendation of the Week:
“Ask and It Is Given” by Esther and Jerry Hicks
This book is available in Turkish under the title: “Yeter ki İsteyin!”
Freedom, Is It Just a Boat?

I was on my brother’s boat Freedom a few days ago. It was our first time out in Fethiye in his boat. Cruising to the Şövalye Island from Ece Marina in Fethiye, I found myself thinking about what freedom really is. What was freedom for me? And what is freedom for me now?
For my brother Yaman, his boat brings him the feelings of freedom.
What makes you feel free?
What is really freedom for you?

Being in Fethiye is freedom for me. Most of the time. Being on an airplane is both freedom and confinement. Being single is both freedom and not. Being rich is both freedom and confinement and so is being poor.
Life is so relative, and so simple and so difficult if we choose to make it so ...
Emotional Freedom Technique - EFT
Some of you might have heard of the Emotional Freedom Technique. It is one of the healing modalities that I am trained in. This system has been developed by an engineer like me, Gary Craig. There certainly is an aspect of freedom related to our emotions. Our experiences, our memories, the meanings that we attach to what we experience constrict us or expand us. During my trainings and in the cases I have worked on, I have seen so many emotional chains lifted that I have respect for this simple, but very effective method. Simple is beautiful. I have seen traumas of near-death experiences, phobias, child abuse, and many more lifted in less than 20 to 30 minutes. Of course, for each person and for each case, the time and effort needed may vary. However, to know that sometimes it can happen so quickly gives me hope.
One of my cousins is a doctor at the Med-American Clinic in Istanbul. He sometimes shares how difficult it is to find ways to help the elderly, especially in the terminal states. They have so much pain, so many health problems, so many issues and most of the time so little hope. Also, use of medications becomes more difficult as they get more fragile with age. I cannot help, but think that complementary therapies can be of help in providing pain relief as well as emotional support. It is comforting that in some hospitals in Istanbul heart yoga is taught to patients with heart surgeries. I know that in most of the cancer hospitals in the US, Reiki and many other complementary techniques are offered to patients if they choose to have such treatments. I have seen such great improvements in the health conditions and the quality of life in the elderly as well as the young that I would like to encourage all of you to learn and use complementary healing techniques to improve your lives.
Is it really possible to heal, to be more healthy, to be more energetic or to have a more positive – a truly positive approach to life? Health is a very delicate subject. It is very difficult to suggest or recommend a certain technique or approach when a person’s life is at stake for example. I believe that is why it is very important to use these techniques as preventive medicine, to keep the immune system up and running. They work. I use them for myself, for my family, for people who consult me. Reiki works. EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) works, Jyorei works. Affirmations work. Foot Reflexology works. Flower Remedies work. Bio-energy and IPEC Work. Kinesiology works. I use them and through my own experiences I can say that they work and they work beautifully.
Time may be needed for the results to be scientifically documented and approved. I am happy to see that doctors in Turkey and abroad are trying to provide scientific documentation. The world wide famous Turkish heart surgeon Dr. Mehmet Oz (Dr. Oz is the author of the award-winning book, Healing from the Heart) says that they are working with bio-energy healers on various microbes in petridishes to be able to document the effectiveness of these treatments scientifically. However, he also mentions in his books and programs that, even though not scientifically proven in the conventional sense, he believes in the support of complementary treatments. I would also like to mention that Dr. Mehmet Oz’s wife Lisa Oz is a Reiki Master.
Gorse and other Flower Remedies...
There were a lot of gorse flowers when I had arrived in Findhorn this June. I knew of Gorse as a Bach Flower Remedy which is very effective in removing depression. Seeing the yellow flowers made me realize how this flower can bring us life energy. In one of his books Japanese Masaru Emoto displays the pictures of water crystals of the Findhorn Flower Essences and one of the pictures of the crystals was of water with the gorse flower. It is quite a beautiful water crystal.
I really do recommend Bach Flower Remedies. They offer excellent support for emotional states. There are Findhorn Flower Remedies as well and the Australian Bush Remedies of Ian White. Currently I am trying some of the Findhorn Flower Remedies. They seem quite good. Flower Remedies work with the energy quality of the flower and there are no known side effects. Only, those with alcohol intake problems and allergies need to check with their doctors to see if and how they can take these remedies, since most of the flower remedies are preserved with a small amount of brandy. In such cases one suggestion is to take these in hot liquids so that the alcohol evaporates. I do recommend you to keep a bottle of the Rescue Remedy of Bach Flower Remedies at hand in your travels. It is very effective and supportive in case of emergencies.
May your days bring you love, joy and true freedom...
Affirmation of the Week:“As I accept my fears, they are transformed into love.”
Gerd Ziegler
Quote of the Week:“Magic has often been thought of as the art of making dreams come true; the art of realizing visions. Yet before we can bring birth to the vision … we have to see it.”
Zeynep’s Book Recommendation of the Week:
“Energy Medicine” by Donna Eden
This book is available in Turkish under the title: “Enerjilerle Pratik Şifa”
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