Courage to Walk the Talk
My friends, people who consult me and those of you who have been reading my articles over the years know that I really like Louise Hay and her work. She has changed the world through her courage to look at and live life totally differently. She also has the courage to walk the talk.
“You Can Heal Your Life”, “The Power is Within You”, especially “Heal Your Body” are amazing books. Louise Hay was one of the pioneers in acknowledging the power our thoughts and words have on our well being. Don Miguel Ruiz does it with his book “The Four Agreements”. Norman Vincent Peale and Napoleon Hill did it with their books. They were the pioneers. “The Secret” came much later.
Can You Imagine?
Even though I teach or write about the importance and the power of our words, I sometimes find it hard to give up complaining completely. If I am too tired, or sleepless or in too much hurry, once in a while I catch myself complaining. If I am, or you are complaining, that means that something in our system is not in balance, especially energetically
I have learned a few lessons over the years. When do I catch myself complaining (even if it is to myself), I know that I am tired, that my energy level is low, that I have in touch with people and events that have charged my energy field with other vibrations. Or that I slipped into negative thinking and unsupportive thoughts. Therefore I am not taking the responsibility for my decisions, actions and conditions.
Then, usually I immediately take a shower. If it is in the evening, I go to bed early. If it is during the day and I am not able to shower, I wash my hands and keep them under running water for a while. I also visualize my whole body and energy field cleansed with the help of the water. I close my eyes and release all energies and influences that do not belong to me, but I have accumulated.
When our energy level is low, we cannot carry the load. And one thing we also lose sight of is that we have energy to carry the load of that day on any given day. We cannot carry yesterday or tomorrow if the energy of today.
Many master and teachers of energy techniques clearly note that we are given our energy day by day, and only for the coming 24 hours. This was one of the first lessons I learned from my bio-energy teacher Moshe Abudaram. That is one of the reasons worrying about the future will not help us out. If the energy we are given includes energy to plan and program for tomorrow, then we will. However, it may also not. That is why I believe that sometimes we just have to let go. Let go of expectations, worry, anger or restlessness. Can you image yourself letting go?
Letting go of unnecessary expectations?
Letting go of loads and duties that were not yours to start with?
Can you image being lifted and carried to where you want without strain?
Without too much effort?
Can you image being lucky?
Being totally taken care of?
Being totally and unconditionally loved?
Can you image … what is it that you truly desire?
Words Make A Difference
The words that we utter make a difference. They do. So this week I would like to offer you some phrases to incorporate into your speech, your writing, your life. And see how the outer picture of your life responds.
+ I love being me.
+ It’s only a thought and a thought can be changed.
+ All my changes are easy to make.
+ I deserve good in my life.
+ I deserve joy.
+ I follow the path of right action.
+ Everything I need comes to me in the perfect time and space sequence.
+ I express my true being.
+ I can do what I want.
+ Every hand that touches me is a healing hand.
+ I have unlimited potential.
+ I am good enough.
+ I am now willing to see only my magnificence.
Maybe, maybe everything we need is in the words.
So let us let it be….
With love and light. May your power always shine with truth and honesty.
Angel of the Week: Truth
Affirmation of the Week:
“Everything I need comes to me in the perfect time and space sequence.”
Louise L. Hay
Quote of the Week:
“Everywhere I go, I find a poet has been there before me.”
Sigmund Freud
Zeynep’s Book Recommendation of the Week:
“Welcome Home” By Steve Rother & the Group
This book is available in Turkish under the title: “Yuvaya Hoşgeldiniz”.