Today I found a book in my office that I bought on June 22, 2004. I know because it turns I dated it the day I bought it, as well as writing the place I bought it from: Okuyanus, in Teşvikiye, İstanbul.
However I saw a note saying “With Love to Zeynep” on the same page with a signature by Hidayet Türkoğlu. A note from four and a half years ago. For those of you who are not acquainted with who Hidayet is, he is a very famous Turkish basketball player who is playing in the American NBA League for the last, well about 7-8 years.
When I saw the name, for a second it did not make sense. Then I remembered our chance encounter in a café, and we talked a little, and I wanted to do the typical and asked for an autograph. I had this book with me and it seemed very appropriate. The book was “A Book of Joy” by Thomas Kinkade. Now, for those of you who know Thomas Kinkade, yes he is a very famous contemporary American artist. Well, his paintings are quite different and magical, almost dreamlike. And he is widely known as the ‘Painter of Light”.

I learned about, well at least of Thomas Kinkade from my Reiki and Bioenergy Master Moshe Abudaram. He had given me a screensaver with his paintings for my computer. They were really nice, but still I did not know much about Kinkade, until my brother Yaman who was back in Turkey from San Francisco for his Christmas Break saw the screen saver and said: “Thomas Kinkade, isn’t he great? I just love his work. His paintings make me happy.” And interestingly, those paintings certainly did. I loved that screensaver. With each view of the paintings, I was carried into a very happy and joyful dream world. And I still use the same screensaver in my notebook computer at home. But this book of joy had been away from sight for almost five years.
This book is a combination of images from Kinkade’s paintings and quotes from different writers and teachers as well as Thomas Kinkade himself. A small book, which I am very happy to see.
There is another significance to why I am very happy to find this book today. Because just before finding it, I chose an angelcard for myself, and the title of the card that I chose was ‘Joy’. Interesting synchronicity…
I pulled a card asking for some direction and information as to how to go about these days, since I seem to be very busy, and I find myself questioning if I am on the right track. Here is the answer that came:
Joy is the highest energy of all. It’s the magical sense that everything is possible. Joy springs from appreciating the gifts within each moment. Joy allows you to attract and create your present and future moments at their highest possible levels.
There are many attitudes and emotions that we can choose from during the day. How about choosing Joy for a change?
And surround yourself with beautiful images this week and enjoy the beauty…
With love and light,
Angel of the Week: Joy
Affirmation of the Week:
“My partner is the love of my life. We adore each other.”
By Louise L. Hay
Quote of the Week:
“True love does not consist of trying to correct others, but of feeling joy that things are better than we expected.”
Paulo Coelho
Zeynep’s Book Recommendation:“The Power Is Within You” By Louise L. Hay
The Turkish translation of the book may be found under the name “Pozitif Gücün Büyüsü”.