On May 26th
Fethiye had a special guest that we have been having the chance to see three or
four times during the past 11-12 months.
The President of AKUT Search
and Rescue Association Mr. Nasuh Mahruki
was in Fethiye for a day as the guest of honour of the Lions District MD118-R
Preparation Camp in Club Letoonia.

Lions Clubs
in the world use the motto “we serve” to describe what they do. The aim of Lions Clubs is to create protects
where service can be provided in regions needed in our communities, whether it
is about health, education or about working with the disabled. We carry out cultural projects, environmental
projects and projects for the youth as well.
First Lions Club in the world was founded in 1917 and the first Club in
Turkey was founded in 1963. Next year in
2013 we will celebrate Lions 50th year in Turkey. Lions Clubs in Turkey are non-governmental
organizations that have a broad range and area of service. In our Mediterranean Aegean District we have
over 55 Lions Clubs.

AKUT is a
very special NGO in Turkey. It has a
special status which classifies it as an NGO that works for the benefit of the state
(Is this called a benevolent association in English?) and recently it has received
certain certifications which made it an NGO and rescue team recognized by the
UN. AKUT became a member of INSARAG,
United Nations’ Search and Rescue Advising Group. AKUT members are justifiable quite proud of
the worldwide acknowledgement. It is a
very trusted and respected NGO. I would
like to recommend you to look into the work done by AKUT if you have the
time. You can check out their website or
you can follow them on Facebook or Twitter.
Facebook and Twitter information are more up-to-date. Some of the teams also have their own accounts.
For example The Fethiye Team has an open Facebook group that you can join. Some links: ( http://www.akut.org.tr ), (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AKUT_Search_and_Rescue_Association
I believe
in the power of working together, in joining forces and I believe in the power
of sharing information. Fethiye is a
town where it is much easier to learn about what is happening in the community
when compared to many other cities and towns in Turkey. However, there are also many times that we
learn about events and activities after they are over and done. Many people who are interested in working, in
helping are not able to take part for that reason. AKUT is an organisation where both Turkish
and foreigners can support. Actually
AKUT organized a seminar for English speakers in Fethiye in the past year on
earthquakes and the AKUT Fethiye Team wants to be connected with the British
and foreigners’ communities in Fethiye for better disaster awareness and
preparation. The AKUT Team has regular
meetings and if you are interested in supporting their activities feel free to
contact the team. There are team members
who speak good English.
There are
many well organised British groups in Fethiye that create and work on powerful
and effective social projects. FIG in
the best known in town and there are many more.
I am aware that these social groups are aware of most of the other
Turkish NGOs and groups as well. I plan
to share these various communities when the opportunity comes to create a
better understanding and also a better visibility.
I am a
relatively new volunteer in AKUT, but having been following the relief and
rescue work they have been doing in Turkey since 1995, I feel motivated to ask
for your support for AKUT with all my heart.
I trust their genuine concern for the community as well as their
professional approach in service.
As a member
of Fethiye Lions Club, I will also try to share our club activities and future
projects as much as I can in the weeks to come. If non-for profit organisations and groups
that you are involved in are having activities in the coming weeks and months, please
let me know. I would like to share your
projects. Of course I will need to know
at least a week in advance to be able to announce them here. And who knows, may be we can create
opportunities to join forces.
I hope,
wish and pray that we all have the opportunities to take part in social
projects that resonate with our heart, mind and soul. May our heartfelt ideas find their way to
where they are most needed.
Wishing all
of you a great week, with love and best wishes...
Affirmation of the Week:
“I live and
dwell in the totality of possibilities. Where I am there is all good.”
From Louise L. Hay
Quote of the Week:
“The true
mystery of the world is the visible, not the invisible.”
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