I am back in Fethiye. On the way from the Dalaman Airport to Fethiye, in the taxi I was talking to my mother. I was telling her about some of my experiences at the Findhorn Ecovillage which is about 45 minutes driving distance to Inverness in Northern Scotland.
I had been meeting teachers from Findhorn since last October, and finally had the chance to go up there for a couple of weeks. My main focus was to attend The Transformation Game Facilitator’s Training for 2 weeks and to spend some days exploring the Park and the Cluny Hill Campus in Findhorn.
I already miss the fennel tea one of our friends used to prepare for the group. It was quite an intense time of self discovery as well discovering the magic of The Transformation Game. It was an intense training of 14 days.
On the day that I arrived at the Cluny Hill Campus there was quite big group from Japan in Findhorn.
Interestingly the room that I was sharing with two ladies (Aneette was from Germany and Aija was from Latvia) was decorated with Japanese posters and paintings which were donated to Findhorn Foundation by another Japanese group a couple of years earlier. I found myself conversing with some of these Japanese visitors in my broken Japanese and in German. Yesterday I received an e-mail from one Japanese friend I met in Findhorn, and the e-mail was in German. J Isn’t it wonderful how international the world has become? I just love it.
Since I was 15 years old, I have been travelling around the world. I have seen quite a number of countries and I also had the chance to travel extensively in Turkey as well. I had the chance to see Steve Jobs, Tracy Chapman and Jon Bon Jovi, as well as Neale Donald Walsh, Steve Rother, Dr. Fred Alan Wolf, and many CEOs, governors, bureaucrats all around the world. I have also seen kids without shoes and proper clothing in the ghettos of Rio de Janerio and in the remote villages in Turkey. I have been with the very rich and famous and with the real poor and forgotten. I believe that this was the gift of life to me. I believe that this is Life’s gift for me.
Wherever I am and wherever I go, I know that we all share the same joys and the same fears, no matter where we live, regardless of the language we speak, regardless of the country we live in. I know it because I saw it, I lived it and I am grateful for it. I have so many friends around the world, and sometime I do forget that we speak different languages. I do forget that sometimes our countries are politically in disagreement or in too much agreement. Through all of these friends, Life is teaching me that we are all the same, we are all one.
You may find all this talk about people all being one big family, we all being one quite cheesy. How can we be, with all the wars and the terror around the world? My life put me in positions where I had friends from Bolivia to Ivory Coast, from Israel to Pakistan, from Ecuador to Latvia, from Japan to South Africa. And I would like to, I love to meet many more. This gives me hope because meeting seemingly different people makes me realize how similar we indeed are. This gives me hope that there is the possibility for us to act together, to make this world a better place for the human race and all living beings.
When I was in Findhorn, I also stayed at a Buddhist Retreat Center called Shambhala. My room had a wonderful view of the Findhorn Bay. I was amazed by the tide and how the bay is filled with water and is almost completely dry a couple of times a day.
I realized I did not know much about Buddhism. One night I took a couple of books from Shambhala’s library and read a little. In the Findhorn Community meditation is an important part of daily life. For example, one day I wanted to receive an energy treatment from a Japanese lady who was living in the community temporarily. When I asked her what her fee would be, she just said “tune in and you see what is appropriate”. On one level I know that a proper and just exchange is necessary in all healings; I was also happy to see that when we trust our inner knowledge and trust that everyone is willing to hear and follow that inner knowing, life changes in unimagined ways. I thank Kae-San for her support in my journey.
What do I want to say?
I want to say that I love Turkey. I love Istanbul and I really do love Fethiye. But this does not stop me from loving Kyoto or loving Florence (Firenze) or loving Ibiza or Ithaca, New York. I am able to love as much and as wide as I choose. There are no limitations and there is no need for any limitations.
I want to say that it is not being naive when I feel like loving everyone I meet and feel that they have a special place in my heart. I do not want to miss the opportunities of getting to know someone. I am becoming aware that sometimes all we got is just one shot, until and if we meet again. I do not want to live with should haves, could haves of missed opportunities of a missed life.
I want to choose my life to be true to who I am and trust that – that is what life has in store for me.
I am glad that I talked with the Turkish lady who had 20 months old twins and an American husband and who was going to Akyaka for her summer vacation. I am glad that I met those Japanese people in Findhorn one of which wants to start up a small scale Findhorn in Japan. I am glad that I talked with that lady from Switzerland whose mother was Spanish in the garden on a bench at Cluny Hill. And I am glad that I saw her and talked to her again on an EasyJet flight and learned that we will attend an Ecovillage Training in Findhorn next February. I am glad that life offers me the chance to meet people, and new people and I am taking the offer.
Then, why is it so difficult to love?
To love others?
And to love ourselves?
I chose one angel card for myself while writing this piece – the angel of Transformation came. I know that in the last 7-8 years I have been going through quite a lot of changes. Yet, something happened in the training in Findhorn. That was more like a completion of what has been taking place.
I also chose an angel card for Fethiye – the angel of Truth came. Truth is such a strong key that opens all doors.
Call me whatever you would like, but I want to contribute, I would like to share and increase the desire in others to do the same. That is all life is really about.
When I was in the training in Findhorn, honesty, simplicity, truth and sincerity have been qualities that I found myself anchoring to. Especially honesty. When I anchor to Honesty, the answers to my most difficult questions seem to open up.
May we all find our true anchors that will let us soar...
With lots of love,
Affirmation of the Week:
“As I nurture a child, I nurture my own inner child. Both activities are important for me right now.”
Doreen Virtue
Quote of the Week:
“The world is a mountain in which your works are echoed back to you.”
Mevlana Celaleddin RUMI
Zeynep’s Book Recommendation:
I request you to read and re-read “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz.
The Turkish translation of this book may be found under the title “Dört Anlaşma”
With Aija and Aneette: