When I was in London this October, I had the chance to visit Tate Modern. I do love modern and abstract art. I prefer to work with abstract forms in my own art work as well. There was a Rothko Exhibition, which I believe is still on. I like Rothko’s work, yet in that exhibition, the pieces chosen were not my favourite. It could be my personal mood at the time, or even the weather. It made me think of my own choice of colours and shapes when I paint. What makes me choose a black over a yellow, or a dark red instead of a lighter shade?
When I paint, I try to follow my heart. And I believe that all who paint with that calling try to listen to that inner urge. … Yet, are we that transparent? Or do we ever hide from ourselves behind our own colours?
There is a famous teacher in Istanbul, R. Şanal Günseli. I believe his books have not been translated into English yet. He is not the only teacher who talks about it, but his main concept in a treatment is the need to be reminded of our God-like self, our own true power. He believes that all our ailments and troubles are a result of rejection of our true self, our true spark which is unique as our fingerprint. Neal Walsch talks a lot about this as well. One way or another all teachers talk about this, about our grandness and uniqueness.
Still, we do manage to avoid even to think about the idea that we indeed might be perfect just as we are.
It is that time of the year when things are fresh and we want to be that person we always dreamed of being. And there is nothing wrong with that. Yet, why is it so difficult to accept that we might indeed be good enough, loveable enough, pretty or strong enough, to be happy and content with what we have in hand. That drive of course pushes us to try and reach our potentials. Yet, is it possible to be more content during this journey?
Affirmations come handy. They are not cure for all, but they do cure if we want to be and choose to be. For example, to be able to accept that life supplies all our need in great abundance, it helps to say the words. And unless we believe it, trust it and most of all accept it, it will not and cannot come into our own reality. The affirmations allow that path to open up. Of course, along the way it will be necessary to look at our hidden demons that make us believe why the contrary is utterly true. Where did the clouds come? And who decided that my sun is better than your cloud?

Walking in the rooms of the Rothko Exhibition, I realized that the colours that were being displayed that day were not pleasing me. Blacks, and dark and dirty reds and browns were almost making me suffocate. This was not the Rothko I was expecting to see. He did have yellows and light yellows and purples and oranges. Where were they?
And it was time to look at my own colours when I paint. What do I choose and why?
Is it not true that on some days I only have energy for a postcard size watercolour? And sometimes a watercolour brush of size 0 is too big and sometimes on a large canvas using a sponge instead of a brush is just too little.
It is all about what comes from the heart. To be true to that, is essential in art – to be true to what comes from within. But is it only about art? And, when it comes to decide what we choose to take in, isn’t there also a voice inside, sometimes loud sometimes far too quiet, that we question the need to listen to?
What would you like to bring into your world today?
What you choose will effect and determine a large portion of what you will bring out to the world from within.
“Life supplies all my needs in great abundance. I trust life.”
Do you?
Before starting to write today, I had chosen an angel for Fethiye. And the Angel of Respect came. Joy Drake and Kathy Tyler share that this energy asks us to “cultivate deep listening and act in ways that acknowledge and esteem ourselves and others.” They continue their own description of what this angel brings by telling us: “Everyone and all life matters. Recognize, honour, and elicit the best.” May this energy help us all.
And do get your hands on a book on affirmations. If you are looking for something in Turkish, go for the book “Kuantum Olumlama” (which translates as Quantum Affirmation) by R. Şanal, or go for a book by Louise Hay in Turkish or English. I love her book “I Can Do It, How to Use Affirmations to Change Your Life”.
Please do it.
And let your true life unfold. Give it a chance to be what it is indeed capable of being.
I wish you all, as well as myself, the strength and courage to walk the talk.
Angel of the Week: Respect
Affirmation of the Week: “I am now willing to be open to the unlimited prosperity that exists everywhere.” By Louise L. Hay
Quote of the Week:
“Genuine beginnings begin within us, even when they are brought to our attention by external opportunities.” William Bridges
Zeynep’s Book Recommendation:
“Jonathan Livingston Seagull” By Richard Bach