The sign of coincidences is another
way that the universe converses with us.
Sometimes protect us.
Twenty years ago I would probably
say that this is new age mambo jambo or that believing in signs is being too naive. Today I believe in another truth. Life showed me, taught me, proved me that
life offers more information to us than that can be measured by our five
senses. There is a world of energy that
surrounds all, compasses all. Our world
is a world of energy. Understanding that
world of energy, working with the world of energy is how I believe we can gain
control of our lives and find permanent solutions to our problems.
Since 2006, I have been sharing
parts of my story in the Land of Lights.
Some of you know very well how life led me to this belief. With some of you this is our first
sharing. Energy healing techniques are
an important part of my daily life. I am
using and teaching techniques professionally for over ten years now and I am
grateful for both my own healing and the opportunity to share the
blessing. I have written six books in
Turkish and also collected the articles I have been writing for Land of Lights
in two books in English. I believe in
the power of sharing our personal stories.
Our paths may not be the same, but similar tools might help us all.
How can we get to understand the
world of energy better?
There are many different techniques that we
can use. None of them is a
necessity. However, if you are going to
learn one technique, I would recommend it to be Reiki, the Japanese energy
healing/energy transfer method.
Reiki is taught and learned through
an initiation where the teacher opens and prepares the energy channels and the
energy field of the student so that he or she can transfer the energy frequency
that we call Reiki to a person, to an animal, a plant or a certain place or
time. The main idea behind all energy
healing techniques as well as Reiki is that when our energy level is high and
of higher frequency, we are healthier, we feel better, we comprehend life and
events in our lives better, make better decisions and follow a path in life
that allows us to be more happy, successful, content and satisfied. “Living our highest truth” some like to call
it. Some people believe that our lives
are predetermined and that they cannot be changed no matter what we do. I also do believe that there are certain
events in our lives that we will encounter no matter what, but I also believe
that there are tools that we can use that will determine the quality of time
and the quality of our lives regardless of the events that take place. I believe that we have a destiny that
probably we have chosen before being born, but also that we are given the power
and wisdom to choose to make it pleasant, enjoyable and worth living and

Too vague? After writing about my trips in the past couple of weeks, I want to write about the actual story behind the stories and I am finding it difficult. I am sitting in front of my notebook computer in my living room at Sovalye Island, remembering the hundreds of little coincidences and signs that brought me to Fethiye in the first place and continued to make my life more and more interesting in the following seven years. It is my eighth summer in Fethiye; and I probably have not been happier in my life. Twelve, thirteen years ago I had almost decided that regardless of how good my life looked on paper, I was not going to have a life that had any of my real desires or dreams in it. I was staring to accept a life that felt mediocre; I was trying to convince myself to accept that life was something mediocre and that dreams were only dreams. It turns out I was wrong. Dreams and desires were telling the truth; the truth that although there can be good days and bad days, happy and sad days in life, there is a life where all of the good and bad can feel great and amazing. Mediocre is certainly not what life is meant to be. This is what I believe, this is what I am experiencing and this is what I would like to share and keep on sharing. None of this would be possible without using energy, without using Reiki.
What does Reiki do for us? When we
are hungry, or thirsty or when we did not have enough sleep it is harder to be
happier, harder to make good decisions.
In the month of Ramadan we go without food and water for hours, yet in
the evening comes a time when we feed our body.
Imagine you were continuously lacking sleep, food and water. Your judgment will get clouded. Imagine that you were outside in a dusty
construction site and you are not able to take a shower afterwards. You get dirty, but you are not able to clean
yourself. What if the dust continued to
accumulate over the years? And what if the dust is not visible? You start
itching, you get wounds, you smell bad, but you cannot see what is happening,
what is bothering you. Energy
transfer-energy healing techniques like Reiki allow us to fill our energy body
so that we are not thirsty for energy anymore.
We feel full and complete. In
addition as we are given Reiki, Reiki washes our energy field of the effects of
negative events, thoughts and feelings.
Reiki cleans the dust and dirt that we cannot see. When we see an accident on the street, we get
scared and a negative energy mark may stay on our energy field. Every argument that we hear or get into may
leave a negative energy mark. Every
“negative” or “sad” event may leave a mark, a scar or weaken our energy field.
Feelings of fear and worry weaken and deplete our energy field.
Love of our friends and family,
physical exercise, music, dance, swimming, helping others, thinking positive
thoughts are some of the factors that allow us to clean and fill our energy
field. Sometimes they are enough,
sometimes they are not. Then we start to
feel tired, unhappy, discontent and finally even physically sick. When a mother worries about her children and
wants them to be happy, she may want to give everything she has regardless of
the fact that she might be left with nothing and she cannot live on nothing and
continue to support her kids. Reiki
allows us to give, to channel healing energy without depleting ourselves. And Reiki is one of the few energy healing
techniques that we can use for ourselves. This really is a blessing.
What ever your path might be calling
you out for, please think positive thoughts.
I am not saying ignore the facts of your life, ignore possible threats.
Of course be cautious. Of course be prepared.
However, please also be aware that staying hopeful, looking towards the
future instead of the negative events in the past, looking for solutions will
support you.
Also affirmations, keeping positive
sentences in our minds, saying positive words to ourselves and others support us
greatly. Louise L. Hay is the pioneer of
the positive effects and influences of affirmations on our body and in our
lives. I am grateful for her work. I would like to recommend you to get one of
her books or google her name and you will have access to a powerful world that
will always support you.
With best wishes and love to you all,
Quote of the Week:
“The world would have you agree with its dismal dream of limitation. But
the light would have you soar like the eagle of your sacred visions."
Alan Cohen
Affirmation of the Week:
From Louise L. Hay: “I stand on
my own two feet. I accept and use my own
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